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Install Suberra's Javascript SDK in your project root directory

yarn add @suberra/suberra.js


import { SuberraCore, SuberraProduct } from "@suberra/suberra.js";

Suberra Core

Suberra core contains the common methods for suberra products. You can instantiate a Core instance by:

const SuberraCore = new SuberraCore(

Approve spending by periodic allowance proxy

Method that approves the spending of the specified ERC-20 token.

async approveUnlimitedTokenSpend(token: string): Promise<void>

Check for proxy's approval

Method that returns a Boolean representing whether the periodic allowance contract's unlimited token spending has been approved.

async hasApprovedTokenSpend(
token: string,
amount: ethers.BigNumber
): Promise<boolean>

Approve spending by Suberra product

Method that approves the spending of the specified ERC-20 token on the product.

async approvePeriodicTokenSpendOnProduct(
token: string,
amount: ethers.BigNumber,
startTime: number,
secondsPerPeriod: number
): Promise<void>

Check for product's approval

Method that returns a Boolean representing whether the Suberra product's unlimited token spending has been approved.

async approvePeriodicTokenSpendOnProduct(
token: string,
amount: ethers.BigNumber,
startTime: number,
secondsPerPeriod: number
): Promise<void>

Suberra Product

Suberra product contains the methods for a specific product. You can instantiate a Product instance by:

const SuberraProduct = new SuberraProduct(

Query account existence

Method that returns a Boolean value representing whether a user has a valid subscription at the time of query.

async hasValidSubscription(address: string): Promise<boolean>

Query subscription validity based on TokenID

Method that returns a Boolean representing whether a user's specific subscription is valid at the time of query.

async isValidSubscription(tokenId: number): Promise<boolean>

Query URI of a subscription token

Method utilises the ERC721-Standard metadata extension 'tokenURI' function to return the passed in subscription token's URI, in encoded JSON format.

async getTokenURI(tokenId: number): Promise<string>

Query Owner of a subscription token

Method utilises the ERC721-Standard 'ownerOf' function to return the address of the owner of the passed in tokenId.

async getOwnerOf(tokenId: number): Promise<string>

Query expiration of a subscription

Method utilises the `_tokenInfo`` function of our subscription product contract to return the time of expiry of the passed in token id in unix time.

async getExpiryOfNft(tokenId: number): PromiseQuery subscription balance of a user

Query tokenId of user subscription

This can be done using two methods in conjunction, utilising the ERC721-Standard functions balanceOf and tokenOfOwnerByIndex respectively.

async getBalanceOf(address: string): Promise<number>
async getTokenByIndex(address: string, index: number): Promise<number>

For example, these methods can be used to achieve the desired behaviour as such:

const balanceOf = await product.getBalanceOf(account);
if (balanceOf > 0) {
const tokenId = await product.getTokenByIndex(account, balanceOf - 1); // balanceOf passed in as index
const uri = await product.getTokenURI(tokenId);